Race against the 40-second clock to dig up as much gold as you possibly can. BUT watch out! There is fake gold hidden around and that will deduct from your score. What's your high score? Leave it in the comments below or share it with @MemoPotato on Twitter. Controls: Left: A Right: D Jump: Space Shoot pickaxes/Dig: Aim with mouse, Left-Click mouse button(Imagine its like you have a digging gun) This game was made for the 2021 Yogsast Jingle Jam. The theme was Opposites and the opposite here is real or fake. Donate to the Jingle Jam charity drive here: https://jinglejam.tiltify.com/ Credits: Game Creation: Megan Matthews Music: Kevin Macleod 2D tile assets: https://twitter.com/KenneyNL Font: https://twitter.com/somepx
Dec 09 - 2021
۱۸ آذر ۱۴۰۰
Megan M