A mysterious figure known only as the Wanderer travels across the distant planet of Zircon V, a once prosperous mining colony that is now on the brink of destruction in the face of its dying star. By using the Passive Fist technique, the Wanderer can outlast any foe by deflecting their attacks and draining their stamina. With colonists disappearing and maniacs running wild, the Wanderer must stand firm, stay calm and fight for answers in this unique modern brawler!Gameplay Features Timing & Rhythm Based CombatClassic brawler action flipped on its head! Study your enemies' patterns and nullify their attacks with perfectly timed parries and dodges and let your enemies defeat themselves Build Combos & Unleash Super AttacksFill your super meter with consecutive parries and dodges and spend it to destroy all who stand in your way Create Your Own Difficulty SettingAdjust gameplay settings to customize your own challenge level with its own unique name Fully Remappable ControlsSet any action to any button! With fully remappable controls you can use a controller one-handed (left hand or right hand), you can play on controller with just the use of sticks (no buttons) or play on keyboard. You have the freedom to play your way! Level Up!Earn medals and XP from fights to earn upgrades and unlock new abilities Story & Arcade Modes Play through the Story Mode and take a stance against tyranny on Zircon V. Then, challenge yourself with the Arcade Mode and play through the whole game with limited lives to prove your mastery of the Passive Fist!
PC , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , macOS , Linux , Nintendo Switch
Mar 06 - 2018
۱۵ اسفند ۱۳۹۶
اکشن , مستقل
Household Games
Household Games