Inspired by the timeless 16th century Chinese novel Journey to the West, players take control of four unlikely heroes. Effortlessly swapping between and Wukong the Monkey King, Sanzang the Sleepy Monk, Kihong the Greedy Pig, Sandmonk the Sensitive Brute as they travel westward in search of the scattered remnants of the Sacred Scroll. Along the way, whether it be solo or in local coop, players will encounter a diverse lineup of enemies to battle within a colourful fantasy world. Will you be brave as you face the terrible challenges that lie ahead ?Features An adventure in solo or in coop up to 4 players. Discover or rediscover the universe of the Monkey King legend. Choose one of the 4 heroes, join their strength and switch between the characters depending on the situation. Unforgettable combats against different kind of enemies and frightening bosses. Puzzles, platforming and unexpected challenges. Embody some enemies and possess their power. Explore a colorful and fantasy universe through different worlds. High-quality visuals, animations and audio. Fight against your friends in PVP modes in local or online for more fun!
PC , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , iOS , macOS , Nintendo Switch
Jan 23 - 2019
۳ بهمن ۱۳۹۷
اکشن , مستقل , ماجراجویی , پلتفرمر , مبارزه ای
Magic Design Studios , Perfect Game Speed
Perfect Game Speed Company , Magic Design Studios