Titanfall is a sci-fi multiplayer FPS developed by Respawn Entertainment. Set in the distant future, where the deep-space travel is finally available to the humankind, colonies are established on distant planets. Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation began exploiting the colonists, mining the resources on the so-called Frontier planets. Many of the colonists join the resistance to fight back. The game features both infantry and mech combat. The mechs known as Titans are common in Titanfall's world. You play as a pilot. Pilots are elite spec-ops soldiers that use the battlefield as their playground. The loadout system is present in the game. The players are free to use whatever weapon they like and choose from a variety of different camouflages. Pilots are equipped with jetpacks that allow for wall running. Pilots also possess special hacking knives that are helpful in hacking the enemies robots. Titans are available for the players after they are built on the deployment ship which requires some time. This time can be shortened by killing enemy infantry. The Titans are dropped from the orbit, hence why the game is called Titanfall.
PC , Xbox One , Xbox 360
Mar 11 - 2014
۲۰ اسفند ۱۳۹۲
اکشن , تیراندازی
Respawn Entertainment , Electronic Arts , Bluepoint Games
Electronic Arts
17+ Mature