The Testament of Sherlock Holmes is a quest game developed by Frogwares. It is the sixth installment in the Sherlock Holmes series. ###Plot Sherlock Holmes, the famous investigator from Baker Street, falls under the suspicion of committing crimes. The player has to investigate several cases, that do not appear to be linked between each other at first playing as Sherlock Holmes himself and his sidekick Doctor Watson. The player has to decide for himself who Sherlock actually is - a friend, a savior, a genius detective or an unusually witted law offender. ###Characters The main characters in the game are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. Frogwares continues to follow their tradition of using their own portrayal of the protagonists, however, this time their appearance was reworked, as the protagonists now appear to be much younger. ###Gameplay The gameplay revolves around arriving at the crime scene, examining the scene, finding clues (several items are used to help the players, such as a magnifying glass), talking to different characters, witnesses, interrogating the suspects and interacting with items. The players often have to make assumptions in a mini-game that simulates the deductive method that Holmes uses. The game features both the third-person camera, that is used by default and the first-person one. The players are free to choose whichever one they like at any time.
PC , Xbox 360
Sep 20 - 2012
۳۰ شهریور ۱۳۹۱
اکشن , ماجراجویی
Atlus , Frogwares
17+ Mature