Created by Greg Belasco Built with Game Maker Studio 2 You are a simple peasant who has found himself trapped in a dark labyrinth equipped only with a Torch to light his way and his wits to navigate the maze. Making your normal rounds on the outskirts of the Central Kingdom, you are a simple peasant looking for any sort of treasure or food, perhaps some useful herbs, anything you can sell in town for some coin. You come across an area you do not normally frequent and make an uncertain step on a patch of dried grass that seems a bit flexible. As you contemplate why this patch feels different you hear a crack and before you can react, suddenly the floor beneath you gives way. You have fallen down a pit and are trapped in a dark maze. Surely this dungeon is long abandoned, you hope, and the peasant has no knowledge of this dungeon existing in any texts or stories. The only thing to help you is a Torch to light your way as you find the keys to each locked door to escape. GM Commands: Num0 - Title Screen Num1 - Level 1 Num2 - Level 2 Num3 - Level 3
Dec 21 - 2021
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