Talisman: The Horus Heresy
Feb 22 - 2016 ۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۴
متوسط زمان بازی: 3 ساعت

Talisman: The Horus Heresy

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Talisman: The Horus Heresy is a grand strategic war game set in the future of the 31st Millenium. You fight as powerful Warlords, across the galaxy, building vast armies and armadas, either in the service of the Emperor of Mankind or the Warmaster Horus and the forces of Chaos . Talisman: The Horus Heresy is a fun new way to interact with the Universe of Warhammer 40,000. If you are familiar with The Horus Heresy, you will find new ways to explore it; if you are a newcomer, this game will teach you all about the characters, planets, campaigns and the complex machinery of war employed in this Epic struggle of Good and Evil. The new combative team play will appeal to fans of Talisman and the Horus Heresy alike. It’s a unique adaptation of Talisman that has been tailored specifically for digital platforms. In Talisman: The Horus Heresy the player’s experience of Talisman is scaled up exponentially, exploring not a kingdom but a whole galaxy in the 31st Millennium. No longer will you be fighting for the Crown of Command, but for the very future of humanity… Command one of the eighteen Space Marine Legions that fought during the Horus HeresyPlay as one of eight of the galaxy’s greatest heroes or most notorious villains such as Roboute Guilliman or AngronMultiplayer for up to 4 playersChallenge or team-up with your friends locally and onlinePlay against AI opponents Includes free Erebus DLC Erebus is one of the most prominent members of the Word Bearers Legion and a member of the Dark Council of Sicarus. He was the harbinger of the Horus Heresy, instrumental in converting first Lorgar and then Horus to Chaos. He has recently been added to the game, so try out his special abilities right now!

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای iOS
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای Android
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای macOS
جزئیات بازی

PC , iOS , Android , macOS

امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Feb 22 - 2016
۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۴


نقش آفرینی , استراتژیک , بازی رومیزی

توسعه دهنده

Nomad Games

منتشر کننده

Nomad Games

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