In the far future, humanity is ruled by The Ministry of Accounts, an oppressive bureaucracy that tracks, records and taxes every transaction of daily life. From the depths of Red Tape, a new breed of marketeer arises to challenge the authority and make a profit: the Space Trader is born! As a Trader, you will attempt to amass a fortune beyond your wildest imagination, buying and selling commodities and taking up arms against the oppressors or even accepting bounty missions, hunting down crime bosses and their thugs. Trader Campaign: Start as a rookie trader and earn your way to Master Trader using shrewd trades, back alley deals, bribes, a well placed bullet and more through a challenging 5-level single-player campaign. Three Ways to Challenge: Master your trading skills in three unique challenge missions; Moon Madness, Free Trade and Red Eye Trader. From Iron Ore to Organs: Turn misfortune to profit. Buy low, sell high. Over 40 different commodities to supply the demand. Have Ship, Will Travel: Visit seven planetary locations, their moons and stops along the way and interact with over 100 characters. Conflict Builds Character: Using an assortment of unique weapons, bring dozens of crime bosses to justice and turn a tidy profit. Competitive Cooperative: Challenge your friends and family, not just your peers. Working together has never been so competitive! Steam Achievements: Unlock all 40 Steam Achievements
Oct 22 - 2008
۱ آبان ۱۳۸۷
اکشن , مستقل , استراتژیک
Meridian4 , Hermitworks Entertainment