Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog, continues his adventures in this fourth installment of the Sonic The Hedgehog series! This time, he buddies up with his former enemy, Knuckles the Echidna in order to defeat the evil Dr. Eggman (AKA Dr. Robotnik). At the end of Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Dr. Eggman’s ultimate orbital weapon for global domination, the Death Egg, was badly damaged in an epic battle with Sonic. The Death Egg, losing power rapidly, hurtled back down to the planet below and crash-landed on the mysterious Angel Island again. Now Sonic and Knuckles must put a stop to Dr. Eggman once and for all, before Eggman and his no-good-niks get the chance to find the secret to Angel Island’s floating power, the Master Emerald. This game features Lock-On Technology, which allows you to play other Sonic titles as Knuckles. To play as Knuckles in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and 3, simply make sure you have copies of Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and 3 in your Virtual Console library. This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance. See more Virtual Console games for Wii.
PC , PlayStation 3 , PlayStation 2 , Xbox 360 , Xbox , Wii , GameCube , Genesis , SEGA Saturn
Oct 18 - 1994
۲۶ مهر ۱۳۷۳
SEGA , Backbone Entertainment
+ Everyone