Slap City
Mar 05 - 2018 ۱۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۶
متوسط زمان بازی: 2 ساعت

Slap City

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توضیحات بازی

Slap City is a streamlined platform fighter with characters and locations from the Ludosity universe! Slap your way through multiplayer modes like Battle and Slap Ball either locally or online, or take on a bunch of single-player challenges! Play with up to four players locally or online with a variety of game modes, options, and computer controlled opponents, or play for points in online 1 on 1 ranked battles. Save replays of your greatest moments! Want a break from fighting? Try Slap Ball! (Note: there will be no breaks from fighting.) In this team-based game mode, players slap the ball into the opponent's basket to score. The more the ball gets juggled in the air without touching the ground, the more points it'll be worth, allowing for some serious plays and comebacks. Don't forget to rest near your goal to recover some damage, or each hit from your opponent will soon send you several laps around the court! Here's a quick look at what is already implemented, and what is coming in the updates ahead!

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC
جزئیات بازی


امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Mar 05 - 2018
۱۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۶


اکشن , مستقل

توسعه دهنده


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