Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization
Sep 22 - 2008 ۱ مهر ۱۳۸۷
متوسط زمان بازی: 1 ساعت

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization

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توضیحات بازی

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization is a remake of the famous turn-based strategy game Sid Meier's Colonization which was released in 1994. The game was totally remade with the Civilization IV engine. In the game player controls settlers from four European nations – Spain, England, France and Netherlands. Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization takes place in the period between 1492-1792. The game is mostly about bilding your colonies, army, declare independence from their mother country and defeat enemies who are sent by the king to destroy rebellion. There are four different colonies, four kingdoms and eight different tribes in the game. Player should manage economics, built and expand their cities and manage diplomacy in order to win. Also, there is trade mechanic, which has to be used when player has the required amount of goods which then are sent to Europe or are traded with natives for other goods or gold. Things like silver or ore can be mined in order to make tools which then can be turned into guns.

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC

حداقل سیستم مورد نیاز :

Supported OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Processor: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Video: DirectX 9.0c-compatible 64 MB video card with Shader 1.1 Support or better
DirectX® Version: Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization DirectX(r) version (included on install)
Sound: DirectX 9.0 compliant sound card
Hard Drive: 900 MB

سیستم پیشنهادی :

Processor: 1.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Video: 128 MB Video Card w/ DirectX 9 support (pixel & vertex shaders)
Sound: DirectX 9.0 compliant sound card

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای iOS
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای macOS
جزئیات بازی

PC , iOS , macOS

امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Sep 22 - 2008
۱ مهر ۱۳۸۷


استراتژیک , شبیه سازی , آموزشی

توسعه دهنده

Aspyr Media , Firaxis

منتشر کننده

2K Games , Aspyr

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