Ralph's Ridiculous Adventure, originally developed in 72 hours for (and as almost seen on) Channel 4's Gamesmaster, is the story of Ralph and his pet snake, Mr. Slithers, as they try to rescue a village full of people tragically turned into cows by the evil magic of a sinister intergalactic force. Follow the duo across three worlds as they fight devious animals, solve puzzles, play football and try to find the cure to this bovine curse before all is lost. Controls: Mouse to aim and left click to fire the snake in a direction. Snake bounces from pot to pot. -- Credits: Benjamin Williams - Producer (@kotayabsw) George Cheal - 2D Art and Initial Design (The Bonsai Treehouse)Dan Ahern - Programming, systems, additional dialogue (@danahern96)Harrison Gowland - Programming, systems, additional dialogue (@HarrisonGowland)Matthew Johnson - Programming, systems, additional dialogue (@RasmusMakesGame)Rob Glenister - Arrangement of main theme (@wobwobrob)
Dec 05 - 2021
۱۴ آذر ۱۴۰۰
Harrison Gowland