Marius is a 3D animated short film with an interactive VR set, about a bunny who is the librarian of a magical library. The player is given the role of the intern who has been hired by Marius’ mom to help him look after the library. Marius has a magical gift that enables him to travel into books, but he lost his gift a long time ago and now he is devastated. He is overwhelmed by the huge library and the hundreds of books he has to sort each day. Now, it is up to you to help Marius rediscover his magical gift. In this VR experience you will be able to see and participate in the 3D animated short film. After the short you can walk around the library and explore the virtual playground. You can grab objects, clean up the library, find hidden objects and spend time with Marius who will be working in the library.
Jan 01 - 1970
۱۱ دی ۱۳۴۸
ماجراجویی , ساده
Granola Studios
Granola Studios