Maggie (Surfy, HoneyCat0623, Turken14, the_bru_pod, NelsonAngel)
Dec 10 - 2021 ۱۹ آذر ۱۴۰۰
متوسط زمان بازی: 0 ساعت

Maggie (Surfy, HoneyCat0623, Turken14, the_bru_pod, NelsonAngel)

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توضیحات بازی

Maggie is a puzzle-platforming game designed in 7 days for the 2021 Yogscast Game Jam event. Sporting cut scenes, custom art and music, and an interesting set of mechanics. All code and assets were made within the period of the event by our team; The theme was OPPOSITES. Controls: WASD: Movement Left Click: Reverse Maggie's magnet. If the mobile magnet is attached to Maggie, this will cause the mobile magnet to repel out with the current outward facing polarity.  If the mobile magnet is attached to an object or nothing, it will attract back to Maggie. If the mobile magnet is attached to a wall, it will attract Maggie to it. Right Click: Reverse Mobile magnet. If the mobile magnet is attached to Maggie, this will cause the mobile magnet to repel out with the opposite polarity. If the mobile magnet is attached to anything, it will fall to the floor. If the mobile magnet is attached to nothing, depending on Maggie's current polarity, the mobile magnet will be attracted back to Maggie. Holding down Left/Right click will charge the repel strength and make the mobile magnet go further. Spacebar: Jump TIP: If the magnet is stuck, it will snap back to you after 3 seconds if you do not flip Maggie's polarity. Developers: Nelson Santos and Colin Wahl Artists: The_Bru_Pod and Kristen Way Musician: Arthur Ken

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC
جزئیات بازی


امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Dec 10 - 2021
۱۹ آذر ۱۴۰۰


پازل , پلتفرمر

توسعه دهنده

Surfy , HoneyCat0623 , Turken14 , the_bru_pod , NelsonAngel

منتشر کننده

میانگین سنی


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