Lost Planet 2 is a third-person shooter, the second installment in Capcom’s Lost Planet series. ### Plot The game takes place on E.D.N. III, a planet full of hostile alien insectoids named Akrid. The story begins ten years after the events of the original game. The climate of E.D.N. III starts getting warmer. Military organization NEVEC begins a dangerous operation to exploit a unique Akrid Cat-G. The game consists of six episodes. In each of the player controls different characters, mainly from NEVEC’s spec-ops. ###Gameplay The game is divided into six episodes. Each of them consists of several chapters that in their turn consist of several missions. There are no checkpoints during the missions, so each of them requires a player to complete it in one sitting without dying. The player explores levels both by foot and via special mechanized armor suits known as Vital Suits. The Vital Suits have their own set of heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and chainsaw. On foot, the player can use a grappling hook to reach remote places or hang on other Vital Suits. ###Multiplayer The game has the strong emphasis on multiplayer. It offers both cooperative and competitive modes. Versus multiplayer shares many similarities to previous games, adding new game modes and customization options.
PC , PlayStation 3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360
May 11 - 2010
۲۱ اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۹
اکشن , ماجراجویی , تیراندازی
13+ Teen