Little Big Adventure 2, also known as Twinsen's Odyssey is the sequel of Little Big Adventure (also known as Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure) in which you've liberated the world from its evil dictator. In this new adventure, he finds out that there are some visitors from outer space who arrived on his planet. Nobody knows why they came but our hero embarks out on a quest for the good once again. He needs to travel across the galaxy, defeat the aliens and their evil god to save the world. Like its predecessor, Little Big Adventure 2 is an adventure game with action elements, a well-written story, memorable characters and a lot of humor. • 6 languages available: Audio and Text: English, German, French - Text: Spanish, Italian, portuguese • A sequel to Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure • A memorable adventure • A great soundtrack
PC , macOS
May 30 - 1997
۹ خرداد ۱۳۷۶
اکشن , ماجراجویی , پازل , آرکید
DotEmu , Adeline Software International
Electronic Arts , Activison , DotEmu , Didier Chanfray
+ Everyone