Half-Life: Source
Jun 01 - 2004 ۱۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۳
متوسط زمان بازی: 1 ساعت

Half-Life: Source

دانلود بازی
تعداد لایک


توضیحات بازی

Half-life: Source is a reissue of the 1998 Half-Life game based on a more modern "Source" game engine with many innovations in graphics performance and gameplay. The game's plot is entirely consistent with the plot of the original Half-Life and tells us the story of the research centre "Black Mesa", which is located in the USA, New Mexico. You play as a young researcher Gordon Freeman, who works in the laboratory of unusual materials. In case of having a low level of tolerance, the scientist does not know the risks posed by the work to be undertaken. One morning Gordon was sent to a test chamber to perform a standard analysis of the crystal. The consequences of the experiment, however, are catastrophic. A distinctive feature of the Half-Life gameplay is the continuous interaction of the player with the environment. For example, the player can move the box to the desired height. On the base of interactivity were built a lot of puzzles that may require the player's ingenuity.

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای macOS
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای Linux
جزئیات بازی

PC , macOS , Linux

امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Jun 01 - 2004
۱۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۳



توسعه دهنده

Valve Software

منتشر کننده


میانگین سنی

17+ Mature

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