As a stand-alone expansion pack to Legions of Iron, discover new innovations and even more stunning visuals that launch the Haegemonia experience into light speed. The Solon Heritage is a multiplayer-only package with over 70 new inventions, all new skills and heroes, new spaceships and strategy options with an all-improved AI. Colonize, conquer, conduct research, trade, spy and battle it out … but be diplomatic or extinction of your race is inevitable. 15 new maps in solo and multiplayer modes 10 new ships including diplomatic ships, race-specific ships and probes Simultaneous Invention Research New Spy Missions New special FX created by the unique Walker engine New Hero and Mercenary Units specifically created to diversify the tactical actions Rebalanced gameplay for Inventions and Ships
May 01 - 2014
۱۱ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۳
اکشن , مستقل , استراتژیک
Digital Reality