Goodbye Deponia is a point-and-click adventure, a third installment in the series. The game’s world consists of two primary locations, planet Deponia, literally composed of rubbish, and Elysium, a flying city, pure and beautiful, as the game’s central character claims. The protagonist, Rufus, is an egoistic, indifferent to others and unaware of it, anti-hero set out on his quest of getting away from the dump that is Deponia. The player has to solve different puzzles, interact with other characters and do everything possible to help Rufus achieve his long-shot goal. The game doesn’t forget about the protagonist’s companions as well; different storylines will allow players to understand the world of Deponia better. The game features a unique art style, with hand-drawn 2D sprites, highly reminiscent of comic books. Despite the game’s natural looks, most of the humor is connected to previous parts, and it is implied that the games should be played from the very beginning.
PC , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , macOS , Nintendo Switch
Oct 15 - 2013
۲۳ مهر ۱۳۹۲
ماجراجویی , نقش آفرینی
Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Entertainment
13+ Teen