FTL: Faster Than Light
Sep 14 - 2012 ۲۴ شهریور ۱۳۹۱
متوسط زمان بازی: 6 ساعت

FTL: Faster Than Light

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توضیحات بازی

FTL: Faster Than Light is a roguelike strategy game set in space civil war in the Galactic Federation. You control a spaceship that has to deliver an essential package of data to the Federation headquarters. This data can help defeat the rebel’s army and finish the war. To do so, you have to travel through eight procedurally generated space segments. Within those segments, the player can encounter other ships and NPCs both friendly and hostile as well as random events. The gameplay’s key feature is that the player does not control the spaceship itself but rather the ship’s crew. During the game, the player can hire or rescue new crew members from different races. Each team member has its characteristics that affect how well he can handle different systems on the ship or his movement speed and fighting skills. The game is notable for its high difficulty primarily since ship’s destruction causes save files deleting.

حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای PC
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای iOS
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای macOS
حداقل سیستم موردنیاز برای Linux
جزئیات بازی

PC , iOS , macOS , Linux

امتیاز متا
تاریخ انتشار

Sep 14 - 2012
۲۴ شهریور ۱۳۹۱


مستقل , استراتژیک , شبیه سازی

توسعه دهنده

Subset Games

منتشر کننده

Subset Games

میانگین سنی

10+ Everyone 10+

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