This mod is based on cartoon animation "Friday Night Funkin Logic" Series by Gametoons. It's part of MAIN mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/285137 . It contains two versions of sprites, "Just beanie Bf" and "Logiс" first it's beanie BF that appears in episode "Friday Night Funkin' Logic, But EVEN MORE MODS" and since that have this appearance in all next episodes and GF in this set have original fnf appearance. Logic contains sprites that close to early Gametoons Fnf animation. Also it contains GF fla file, it pretty mess up. Mod value only for a current week or song. If you have an issue with sprites then try to replace them one by one or download current version of the original mod. In a LOGIC folder campaign menu is mess up. Alternative links: https://gamebanana.com/mods/339368 Me: INSTOGRAM VK BYMEACOFFEE
Nov 30 - 2021
۹ آذر ۱۴۰۰