Created using pyxel retro game engine under MIT license. Fagos Across Your System it’s an 8-bit shoot ‘em up game where you are a Fago in a microscopic world and the system you live in, it´s invaded by multiple bacteria and another weird thing. To survive you must shoot your DNA to these enemies to prevent the total infestation of the system, but be careful, the enemies are going to defend themselves! This game was created for the Game Off 2021. We hope you like it! (Donations are optional. I only added to show the download botton at the top, but any donation will be happily accepted <3) Controls: TABPAUSE QQuitWhile the game it's in pause or instructed on the game. ENTERResume the game Arrow Keys Movement SpaceShootWhile the player is in attack state (press X to change state) XChange Player State Press X to change the state to attack or movement. EscClose the game Another keys are specified where the game instructs, like enter key. Scores to reach the boss fight on each level: 300 pts2500 pts4500 pts Bugs? Yes , no, maybe , I don't know, can you repeat the question? Github repository: Credits: Juan Carlos Cardona (Username: JuCa) Programming and Sound Renata Ochoa (Username: Renosaurio) Graphics and Mapping
Dec 01 - 2021
۱۰ آذر ۱۴۰۰
JuCa , Renosaurio