Delete is a minimalist puzzle game, inspired by Minesweeper, it inherits all the excellent features of the original, and adds a space dimension Your goal is to flip through all the squares, the numbers indicate how many unknown red squares are adjacent to it, and all you need to do is to deduce all the answers based on the digital cues No time in the game, the star limit, the intention is for you to enjoy a relaxed experience Like my past work, it will continue to introduce new games, the difficulty will be gradually incremental 50 different shapes of the level design7 different gameplay and combinationsSimple and pure art style and game modeNo language interface and content at all
PC , iOS
Jan 24 - 2018
۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۶
مستقل , ساده , پازل , خانوادگی
Shuchang Ma , Pony
Shuchang Ma , Pony