Partial English Support AddedDear Shopkeepers, We've added "minimal interface localization" English support to Cadria Item Shop, you can switch the language settings to English from the Options menu (it's in the upper-right corner of the game screen). Currently many strings like quest objectives and achivement requirements are localized to English, while others like quest dialogues are still in Chinese. We'll keep the translation going in the future. Thanks for your patient and understanding:) Orange Cat Studio English Update On The WayGreetings, Shopkeepers! When Cadria Item Shop was released on Steam last week, it only supports Simplified/Traditional Chinese, as a small Chinese dev team we didn't have the plan to support other languages at that point. But then many non-Chinese players have joined the game and we seriously think it's our duty to improve their experiences. So we are working hard on the English localization, and the first English update will be available soon (hopefully later this week). Since we only had a few days to work on the English localization, this first update will be a "minimal" one. That say you can expect many key strings (like quest objectives and menu interfaces) are localized while many others (like story dialogue) are still not. No kidding, there are like 100k Chinese characters in the dialogue, that is around 70k English words when translated.... Our goal, of course, is to have a fully localized English version available in the future, but for the first step we wanted to make sure every shopkeeper could, well, at least know what they are clicking at.... so please accept our sincerely apologize for the inconvenient and wait a few days for the update. Thanks very much for your support and understanding! Orange Cat Studio About the Game在充满魔法与幻想的卡德里亚大陆,身负天命的勇士们创造着属于自己的传说。但是拯救世界的任务实在太危险啦,还是交给别人去完成吧!本店主只负责赚钱!目标就是经营卡德里亚的最佳道具屋!制造道具从零开始,制造各式各样的道具装备。 —— 雇佣工匠:从武器锻造到布料裁剪,从炼金符文到珠宝加工,雇佣拥有各种技能的工匠,打造不同类型的道具。 —— 精益求精:在制造的过程中,图纸也在不断完善发展。想要加快打造速度,提高成品品质,甚至解锁新的道具图纸,就要熟练掌握制造工艺。 售卖道具将成品卖给拯救世界的英雄们,迎接蜂拥而至的订单! —— 售货热潮:随着道具的不断热销,店铺的人气也在疯狂增长。顾客数量和售价暴涨的售货热潮就快开始了,小心数钱数到手抽筋! —— 商铺订单:与卡德里亚世界中的各种小店签约合作,为他们批量供货。 —— 势力订单:与商会好友合力完成利润惊人的势力订单,开启神秘的军需宝箱。 城镇建设合理分配经营所得的资金,重建故乡小镇。 —— 重振经济:投资您的城镇,繁华的城镇也会给您带来更多厉害的工匠和高级的原料。 —— 解锁英雄:随着城镇发展,越来越多的英雄也会慕名而来,快准备迎接新顾客吧。 英雄冒险派遣冒险小队,收集各类稀有材料。 —— 签订契约:招募各路英雄,组建强力的冒险小分队。 —— 整装待发:为英雄们换上非凡的装备,派遣他们外出冒险,赢得稀有的战利品。 —— 阵营战争:与其他店主合作,参与规模宏大的势力战争,获得丰厚的贡献奖励。 —— 商会委托:与好友一起创建商会,各种古怪要求的委托需要大家一起来完成。 缤纷装扮自定义属于自己的精彩世界。 —— 店铺装潢:添置五花八门的装饰品,打造独一无二的店铺风格。 —— 店主装扮:为自己和猫咪搭配不同的造型配饰,展现独特个性。 —— 英雄时装:冒险者也爱美,换个时装光头大叔也能变美少年。
Aug 23 - 2018
۱ شهریور ۱۳۹۷
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Orange Cat Studio