Title: Alley of the Birds Platform: PC Game Genre: Platformer Rating: E Target Market: Ages 6+, casual gamers Game Overview: It is your final test to become a Starnaut. Your final training exercise will be to collect special fuel crystals and bring them to the collection point in order to win. But be aware, this canyon is home to many hostile bird creatures, so you must evade them and travers challenging terrain in order to complete your training. Instructions: Use your mouse to look around, and the WASD of arrow keys to move. Jump is the spacebar, and press tab to pause the game and bring up the options menu. For Fullscreen mode, click the little icon in the lower right of the game window. To exit Fullscreen press the escape key. Game Design Team Conner Jenkins - Game Designer
Dec 07 - 2021
۱۶ آذر ۱۴۰۰
The Character