Sandbox game with no objectives, you can play around with evolving plants, floating trash and a trash-eating-ship. Very bad controls and usability, since I created this as an additional prototype for "Alien Plants", an evolution simulation of a plant ecosystem. About #TeamSeas #TeamSeas is a global campaign to raise $30M to remove 30M pounds of plastic and trash from our ocean, rivers and beaches. If anyone donates to get this game I will donate that to TeamSeas, but that's quite absurd. You go an donate directly to Team Seas, then tell me in the comments. About Alien Plants Currently a work in progress, Alien Plants is a simulation of an evolving plant ecosystem. In the current prototype the plants have a simplified model with simple traits like height, size flower or growing speed. In the future the simulation will have more tools to interact with the simulation and the plants will grow on a DNA-based model. You can learn more in this video about the design goals and challenges of creating virtual DNA. What you will find in Alien Plants: Team Seas I originally created this version as a tool for myself to create the narrative of the video about Team Seas in my Youtube channel AlejoLab. So there are not objectives or progression and most controls are key shortcuts, you can interact with the simulation and the features I built on top of the current prototype for Alien Plants. You will be able to: Place seeds to create plants, watch them grow, mutate and evolvePlants will only grow near waterMore around or fly as you like and control de speed of the simulationCheck the energy levels of the plants and nutrients in the soilStart/stop the spawning of trash objectsIncrease/decrease the rate of trash spawningSummon and control the trash-eating-ship Play around with the plants, the trash and the ship as much as you like. Enjoy!
Nov 29 - 2021
۸ آذر ۱۴۰۰
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