--------------------------------------------------------- A Path In The Woods is a SHORT Horror game/walking simulator made by Alexis Bourboin (Bourbs) in ≈2 weeks. -> Approx. Gameplay Time: 10 - 20 mins As a father, you decide to investigate the disappearance of your own son, Jake. He's been missing for 2 weeks and the nearest forest is the best place to look. Sadly, a fallen tree is blocking the road and you need to continue on foot. Good luck. A Path In The Woods is my first game ever made. I've been learning/creating/programming in Unity since October 2021. Feel free to post your gameplay videos or feedbacks in the comment section. I will use these to further improve the game. Thank you very much! Donations : Paypal : bourbs.gd@gmail.com Contact me : bourbs.gd@gmail.com Twitter : https://twitter.com/bourbsgd Itch.IO : https://bourbs.itch.io
Dec 09 - 2021
۱۸ آذر ۱۴۰۰